January 08, 2006

Peace dome at Hirochima - Dome de la paix a Hirochima

This is a somber monument to the horror of the first Atomic Bomb on human beings. The photos of the devastation are unbelievable. Much of the information in the Peace Museum were already known by us. It was the feeling of being on the same spot 60 years later and seeing then and now in one afternoon. It is a moving and emotional experience.

Voici un souvenir de l'horrible evenement de aout 1945 et l'effet de la bombe atomique sur l'humanite. Les photos de la devastation au musee de la paix sont incroyables. Nous connaissions la plupart des details affiches, mais de voir de nos propres yeux les lieux de cette tragedie, et de voir le meme site 60 ans plus tard, rebatit au complet, etait emouvant.

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