December 27, 2005

Train ride in the Blue Mountains - Promenade en train dans les montagnes bleues

This sign, which we enjoyed in 1992, was still there. We walked down from Echo Point through the forest. I had a very sore foot, and we used that excused to go back up in the train. It is truly vertical, and we were sitting at the bottom, which was very scary.

Cette enseigne, qui nous avait amusés en 1992 était toujours là. Nous avons fait une belle descente en marchant dans la forêt, et au retour, nous avons trouvé comme excuse le pied endolori de Michèle pour reprendre le train. C'était vraiment vertical et épeurant, et nous étions assis tout en bas.

Three Sisters

Revisiting the Three Sisters in the Blue Mountains one last time before flying out of Sydney on December 28.

Revisitant les "Trois Soeurs" dans les montagnes bleues une dernière fois avant de nous envoler pour Tokyo le 28 décembre.

Jenny and Terry

Partners in crime at Glenroi 14 years ago

Partenaires de crime à Glenroi il y a 14 ans.

It's Christmas, Mr. Scrooge. We were makin' a li'le merry, Sir.

Christmas lunch with Paul and Annie, with her brother Dave, wife Jill, daughter Eve, and Jill's sister Judy. A lot of cheer, and a lot of delicious food.

Le dîner de Noël chez Paul et Annie avec son frère Dave, sa femme Jill, leur fille Eve, et la soeur de Jill, Judy. Le repas était delicieux.

Liz and Doug

Another visit with Liz Roweth, this time with her son Doug, who used to play with Loïc in grade 6 (Calare School) and now works in Sydney.

Autre visite chez Liz, cette fois-ci avec son fils Doug qui jouait avec Loïc en 6ème année (école Calare) et qui maintenant habite a Sydney.


Another visit, the Mays. We had the pleasure to catch up with them on Boxing Day. The extras in the photo are Damien and James, Katlyn's boyfriend and Elysa's fiancé.

Nous avons eu le plaisir de revoir les May le lendemain de Noel. Les deux jeunes gens sont Damien et James, le copain de Katlyn et le fiancé de Elysa.

Spider in the berry patch - Araignée dans les mures.

Here is a lovely spider working on its web just above my head under the net in the blackberry patch. I was picking them for the delicious summer pudding Annie made for Christmas.

Voici une jolie araignée travaillant sur sa toile juste au dessus de ma tête pendant que je ramassais les mûres pour le pudding d'été que Annie a fait pour Noël.


Saying hello to Steve and Janet Jackson (a fellow chorist I sang with in the Orange City Choir in 1992) with their daughters Megan and Philipa.

Une petite visite chez Steve et Janet Jackson (une compagne de la chorale Orange City en 1992) et leurs filles Megan et Philipa.

Blue Tongued Lizard - Lezard à langue bleue

Here is a blue tongue lizard, looking at us through the dining room window at Paul and Annie's.

Voici un lézard à langue bleue, qui nous guettait par la fenêtre de la salle à manger chez Paul et Annie.

The Grinch who stole Christmas

Here is Paul, sneaking out at night to cut his Christmas tree on some undisclosed location.

Notre ami Paul, battant retraite après avoir coupe un pin dans la nuit sur un terrain secret pour en faire son arbre de Noel.

Genevieve, Terry, and mates

In Orange, with Genevieve Reeves (Glenroi Heights colleague in 1992)and her husband David. Michèle, yet again wearing the same clothes...

A Orange, avec Genevieve Reeves (collegue de Terry a Glenroi Heights en 1992) et son mari. Michèle, toujours dans les meme vetements.

December 19, 2005

Merry Christmas everyone - Joyeux Noel a tous!

Cheers, we'll be thinking of you all on the 25th!

Santé, nous penserons à vous tous le 25!

Christmas Bush band - Groupe champetre de Noel

Lanyon. This old estate was donated by the owners to a national trust. Every year, a Christmas sing along picnic takes place there, with alternating bush band, traditional choir and band. It was great fun to get into the Christmas spirit, Aussie style, sitting on the grass (reminiscent of July 1 on Parliament Hill)

Lanyon. Cette proprite a ete donnee par les proprietaires a une societe nationale. Chaque annee, a Noel, une soiree est organisee ou chorale, groupe champetre et orchestre jouent a tour de role pendant que l'audience, assise sur l'herbe pique-nique en chantant. C'etait tres agreable de nous mettre dans l'esprit de Noel, style Aussie.

Picnic sing along at Lanyon - Pique Nique de Noel a Lanyon

The Payne family - Les Payne

Another lovely week-end catching up with our friends in Canberra. Despite their chaotic schedule, they welcomed us in their life! Cassia just graduated from University of Australia and we joined the family in the celebration. How nice to see the children we knew at a very young age grow up into nice adults.

Terry and me with (l to r) Cassia, Bev, Jordan and Mike.

Une autre belle fin de semaine a partager la vie chaotique des Paynes. Cassia vient de graduer de l'university d'Australie et nous avons participe au souper celebratoire. Quel plaisir de revoir les enfants que nous avons connus bien jeunes maintenant a l'age adulte.

Terry et moi avec (g a d) Cassia, Bev, Jordan et Mike.


Gum trees... There are hundreds of varieties... Their scent, colours and abundance are such an important part of the Australian landscape! This one taken in the Botanical Gardens in Canberra.

L'eucalyptus. Une importante contribution au paysage australien. Nous adorons leur couleurs et odeurs variees. Celui ci, capte aux Jardins Botaniques de Canberra.

Mt Kosciuszko

The highest point of Australia can be reached with a half day walk from the chair-lift, on a board walk. Unfortunately, wind, sleet hail and rain prevented us from getting to the end. The predicted thunderstorms were also discouraging. Here we are at the look out (the famous mountain in the background), half way there. How disapointing!

Le plus haut point d'Australie peut etre atteinte en marchant une demie journee sur un sentier amenage du remonte pente. Malheureusement, vent, pluie et grele nous en ont empeche. On nous avait en plus annonce des orages. Nous voici a moitie chemin, devant le fameux mont. Quelle deception!

Johnson Hut - La hutte Johnson

The 2003 fires destroyed much of the high mountain parks forests. (In the Canberra area, 300 homes burnt down from bush fires the same year- another constant threat to the farmers in summer). Many historical huts burned down, but a few escaped the ravages. On our walk from Falls Creek, we saw Johnson Hut and Wallaces Hut (1889). These were built and used by cattle men while mustling cattle in the high mountains.

En janvier 2003, les feux de forets ont detruit une immense partie des parks des montagnes australiennes. (A Canberra, ces memes feux ont detruit plus de 300 maisons, une autre menace constante pour les fermiers en ete). Plusieurs huttes historiques ont aussi ete detruites, mais quelques unes ont echappe au ravage. Pendant notre marche de Falls Creek, nous avons vu les huttes Johnson et Wallace (1889). Ces petits refuges ont ete construits et occupes par les eleveurs de bovins lorsqu'ils rassemblaient leurs troupeaux en pays haut.

Pesky flies! - Mouches agacantes!

Back on the road, through the High Country, stopping at Mount Beauty and Falls Creek. The flies have been very abundant this year, a lot more than we remember from 1992. They fly around our faces, landing around the mouth, eyes and nose, and it is very common to see people wag a little sprig as they go for walks. We have also adopted that habit.

Nous avons repris la route dans les "montagnes", nous arretant a Mount Beauty et Falls Creek. Les mouches sont beaucoup plus abondantes que nous nous rappelons 1992. Elles se posent sur nos visages, autour des yeux, bouche et nez. Il est tres courant de voir les gens s'eventer avec des petites branches pendant leur marches. Nous avons aussi bien sur pris cette habitude.

Sue's goats - Les chevres de Sue

Isn't she cute?

Papa, n'est-elle pas mignonne?

Sue's goats - Les chevres de Sue

A nice Sunday outing to Dennis and Sue's farm. They have cows sheep and goats and hope to build on it move there permanently after the children have finished school. Here is Sue trying to get a playful goat off her truck.

Une belle promenade du dimanche a la ferme de Dennis et Sue. Ils ont des vaches, des moutons et des chevres et esperent un jour y construire une maison de retraite et s'y installer. Ici, Sue essaie de chasser une chevre du camion.


Here we are at Terry's cousin Dennis in Bright, enjoying a barbecue dinner. We spent the week-end with his family (his wife Sue, and children Matthew Joanna and Stuart). Together, we toured around their lovely little town, visiting the pretty Wandiligong, Mount Buffallo, and Beechworth (where Ned Kelly was incarcerated before being sentenced to death and executed in Melbourne).

Nous voici chez le cousin de Terry, Dennis, autour de la table a deguster un barbecue avec sa famille (sa femme Sue, et ses enfants Matthew, Joanna et Stuart). Ensemble, nous avons fait quelques randonnes autour de leur jolie ville. Nous avons visite Wandiligong, Mount Buffallo et Beechworth (ou a ete emprisonne Ned Kelly avant d'etre condamne a mort et execute a Melbourne).


Driving through the farms and sheep paddocks inland just before Omeo, we drove through about 40 kilometers of locust swarms. They were absolutely everywhere in the air and on the ground, covering the road. I got out of the car to experience being swarmed. Swarms are not uncommon in Australia and they eat everything in the gardens and fields. They cake the front of the cars and the windshield, and you have to be careful to scrap the bodies off the radiator or they will block the air flow and the car can overheat.

En montant de la cote sud vers Omeo, nous avons traverse un nuage de sauterelles pendant au moins une quarantaine de kms. Ces insectes devorent tout sur leur passage et sont une vraie plaie pour les cultivateurs. Notre devant de voiture etait couvert et il faut bien les nettoyer du radiateur, ou l'echange d'air pourrait etre bloque et cause un surchauffement du moteur.


This is like our bear pictures at home. This monster was a lot bigger when we stopped by him in the car. He ignored us and continued to rip apart and eat a discusting carcass that was totally covered with flies. As he shook his head and pulled on pieces, the flies on the unidentified mess were thrown in all directions. Michele lowered her window to take a picture and instantly retched at the smell. Surprising since she loves blue cheese.

Cette photo est comme nos photos d'ours chez nous. Ce monstre etait beaucoup plus gros que on voit ici. Le goanna nous ignorait pendant qu'il dechirait et mangeait cette carcasse animale completement couverte de mouches. En secouant sa tete pour dechirer les mourceaux, les mouches etaient envoyees en toutes directions. Michele a baisse sa fenetre pour prendre une photo et a eu un haut-le-coeur instantanne avec l'odeur repulsante. Surprennant parcequ'elle adore le fromage bleu.

Central Tilba

Still on the South Coast, this beautiful little village. Once a gold rush centre, now occupied mostly by artists and small shops (the cheese factory, especially, piqued our interest).

Toujours sur la cote, ce joli petit village vestige de la ruee vers l'or, maintenant habite principalement par artistes et boutiques artisanales (la fabrique de fromage a particulierement attire notre attention).


A guest descending the gum tree right by our tent in Huskisson. We were woken later the same evening by loud exclamations metres from our tent by two ladies sharing our earlier excitement in viewing the possom. "Look, she is carrying a baby on her back!" Then the voice of a man warning the ladies that he had been bitten on the big toe by the same possom and she had drawn blood. Cabin people don't realize that sound travels through tents, and tiny people are actually trying to hibernate in them. Later in the quiet of the night there were loud screams of the possums and then early morning chatter of the ever present parrots. Trying to sleep!!!!

Notre voisin descendant un eucalyptus pres de notre tente. Nous avons ete reveilles quelques heures plus tard par deux femmes qui s'exclamaient a propos du meme possum qui avait maintenant un bebe sur son dos. Un homme les a averties qu'il venait de se faire mordre l'orteil par le meme mignon animal... Apres les humains, les possoms se sont mis a crier dans la nuit, un espece de gemissement irritant. Et au lever du soleil, les perroquets omnipresents se sont mis a caqueter. On voudrait bien dormir!!!

South Coast - Cote sud

We redid the South Coast New South Wales that we enjoyed 14 years ago. The sea towns are small and less commercial that the northern ones. The beaches are usually very white and squeeky when you walk on them and the surf often good enough for the surfers. We walked several magnificent beaches and swam in calm coves after our morning jogs. One of the main challenges was finding campgrounds with kitchen facilities. In Huskisson, there was none and Michele started to cook a meal, including warming up soup, on a barbecue, when it started to pour, complete with thunder storm. It dampened the ambiance of the meal, which we managed to eat and enjoy anyway.

Nous avons revisite la cote sud d' Australia comme nous avons fait il y a 14 ans. Les villages cotiers sont moins commerciaux que ceux du nord. Les plages sont tres blanches et le sable fin grince sous les pieds. Le surf est tres bon pour ceux qui pratiquent ce sport. Nous avons marche sur pleusieurs plages magnifiques et avons nage dans quelques anses calmes apres notre jogging du matin. Un defi en Australie est de trouver un camping avec un cuisine. A Huskisson, Michele a commence le souper sur une barbecue quand il s'est mis a pluvoir avec orage. Ca a mouille notre enthousiasme, mais on a eu un bon souper comme meme.


One of many villages on the South Coast

Un parmi tant de jolis villages sur la cote sud.

December 05, 2005

At Liz Roweth's, Meadowbanks - Chez Liz Roweth

Morning tea at Sheldrakes - Pause cafe chez les Sheldrake


During the weekend, Annie made the mistake of asking Terry if he would like Pavlova for dessert, the great Australian specialty (made from scratch). Paul and Annie were in the middle of report cards and the end of the school year, and Annie needed something to do to keep her occupied. To Terry's great embarrassment and shame (and piggy pleasure), he was the only one to take seconds.

Pendant que nous etions occupes a relaxer en compagnie de vieux amis, Anne etait dans la cuisine, a preparer une delicieuse pavlova pour Terry. Elle avait fait l'erreur de lui demander s'il aimait cette specialite locale, et avait peut etre besoin d'une distraction pour la sortir de sa tache de bulletins de fin d'annee?

Glenroi School - L'ecole Glenroi

Revisiting Glenroi Heights School brought many mixed emotions and memories for Terry. It was a tough school and a difficult teaching situation, but overall a great experience being on exchange and living in Australia.

La visite a l'ecole Glenroi Heights, ou Terry a enseigne pendant une annee a rappele de bons et de mauvais souvenirs. C'etait une ecole avec beaucoup d'enfants troubles, mais en tout c'etait une experience qui en valait la peine.

Rita & Terry

In front of the Markley grove - Devant le bosquet Markley

Paul and Annie, our main contacts back in 1992, hosted us in their stunningly beautiful house that they designed and built. Flowers and trees (and weeds) grow so well in Orange and their flower garden around the house is a pleasure to behold. The highlight was Markley Grove, the ten trees planted with help from the Markleys just before we left in 92.

Paul et Annie, nos contacts principaux de 1992, nous ont heberges dans leur magnifique demeure. Les fleurs et les arbres poussent si bien dans le climat d'orange et leur jardin de fleurs etait magnifique. Nous avons eu plaisir a retrouver le bosquet Markley, les 10 pins que nous avons aide a transplanter en 1992, avant la construction de leur magnifique demeure.

Paul and Anne's house - La maison des Rowland

Onward to Orange - En route pour Orange

We stopped in Lithgow to phone Paul and Annie and an incredible downpour started, drenching Terry and drowning the sound in the open phone booth. The heavy rains lately in the area meant that Orange was greener than usual at this time of year. Unfortunately, there was a hail storm days before, and the Roweth family (Doug was a friend of Loic) had their cherry and apple crop totally distroyed. A real blow for young Adam, Jojo's age, who has taken over the orchard after the father Graham's death two years ago. We still had a good visit with Liz, their mom, along with visits to the Sheldrakes, and with Rita who worked with me at Glenroi Heights School. The memories of being back after 14 years was so exciting as we drove through the main streets of Orange, and peeked in the windows of our old house. The Roots ironically were away and visited Whitehorse and Fred and Kathy three days after we left the Yukon. Orange is more upscale now with a larger population and a multitude of new wineries and trendy restaurants. The shorter drive from Sydney means people can drive up for the day.

En arrivant sur Orange, nous etions vraiment excites de retrouver notre ville hote d'il y a 14 ans. Ca a beaucoup change, plus de 10000 habitant de plus. Ils sont maintenant a 35000. La villes est devenue un centre gastronomique, et avec l'amelioration de la route, voit courament des visiteurs de Sydney a la recherche de repas elegant dans un paysage rural.

Nous sommes restes chez nos amis Paul et Anne, et avec eux avons eu plaisir a retourner a "notre" maison. Malheureusement, les Roots, avec qui nous avons fait l'echange, etaient aussi en vacances prolongees et ne rentreront qu'apres notre depart. Ne leur dites pas, mais nous avons admire les renovations en regardant par les fenetres.

Nous avons rendu visite a Rita, une collegue de Terry, aux Sheldrake, et a Liz Roweth, qui vient malheureusement de perdre toute la recolte de cerises apres une tempete de grele la semaine derniere. Son fils Adam (22 ans) a pris la releve de leur ferme depuis la mort accidentelle de son pere il y a 2 1/2 ans. Il a du murir tres vite pour son age, et ils n'avaient bien pas besoin de cette derniere tragedie.

Hiking in the Blue Mountains - Marchant dans les Montagnes bleues

The three sisters, in the Blue Mountains - Les trois soeurs, dans les montagnes bleues

Wentworth Falls - Chutes Wentworth

The drive back to Orange from Sydney in our rental car was drastically different than we remembered with the newly upgraded highway. We did two hikes in the Blue Mountains (which we loved and visited often in our year in 1992), the Grand Canyon and Wentworth Falls, as we stayed one day in Blackheath. On the Grand Canyon track we got off on a side trail that ended in a narow stream gorge. It got wilder and less traveled, ending in pools of water that we began wading up to our calves. The final attempt at passage ended with our lead scout, Michele, up to her waist in a pool and wetting the bottom of her back pack (and almost my pants) as she got spiders' webs in her hair and could no longer see the bottom of where she waded. I expected her to be wrestling with a six foot long brown snake at any moment. Michele would have the advantage of having four appendages, but the snake was a slippery character with a bad reputation and was playing before a home audience.

Nous avons trouve la route de Sydney a Orange bien changee depuis 14 ans, en mieux. Nous nous sommes arretes dans les montagnes bleues, un de nos endroits preferes ou nous aimions marcher et explorer. Nous y avons fait deux marches cette fois-ci. Dans la premiere, nous avons mesinterprete les panneaux indicateurs, et sans trop detailler, nous (je) nous sommes retrouves dans une gorge jusqu'a la taille dans l'eau avant de decider qu'il valait mieux rebrousser chemin. Sans voir le fond de l'eau, j'avais l'imagination qui courait de serpent a anguille et langoustes...

On the Cruise to the Great Barrier Reef - Sur la croisiere nous amenant a la grande barriere de Corail


We flew Virgin Blue to Townsville in Queensland and hot/hot/hot temperatures. Our last visit was in July 1992, their winter. It was interesting that the airline sells all the food, but also any drinks, coffee, and water. Virgin high altitude dehydration facilitated by Richard Branson. I know he is cute, Carol, but water is also a basic need. We met Graham and Diana Lee, who were on teacher exchange in Whitehorse, in Arlie Beach, and with them we revisited the same section of the Great Barrier Reef we snorkled at 14 years ago. It was equally incredible! The fish were all around us and some would be territorial and swim up to your mask. If you stopped breathing, for a limited time only, you could hear the loud crunching as some species were actually eating the coral. Michele and I saw one ray fish on the coral under us, but no turtles this time. After a few days with the Lees in McKay where we enjoyed a tender and delicious poor little lost lamb dinner prepared by Diane one evening, we headed up to Townsville again for two days before flying back to Sydney.

Townsville impressed us with their city planning and jelly fish netted areas to swim in and a sea water pool all in a very long beach prominade and park area. It was a cool repose from the heat with the sea wind and the shade from the palm trees lining the brick walkways. We rented bikes one day to go around Magnetic island. It was again stifling hot, but the breeze as we downhilled would relieve us from the almost strokes we sufferd going up the hills. We were also able to cool down in every beach we would find (stinger netted, of course)

Le deuxieme jour de notre sejour en Aus, nous nous sommes envoles sur Townsville, ou nous avons loue une voiture pour retourner a Airlie Beach, qui nous avait tant plu en 1992. Nous ne l'aurions pas reconnu. C'etait deja bien commercial il y a 14 ans mais il etait quand meme reste un certain cachet rural. Maintenant, c'est bonde, mais nous avons rencontre nos amis Graham et Diane Lee (qui ont fait un echange de profs a Whitehorse en 1995) et avec eux avons fait une croisiere sur la grande barriere de corail. C'etait fantastique. Le snorkling etait hors de ce monde. Les couleurs du corail et des poissons sont indescriptibles. Terry et moi avons passe au moins 2 heures dans l'eau, emerveilles.

Nous avons ensuite passe 2 jours a Mackay chez G et D, ou il a fait tres tres chaud. Diane nous a prepare un repas delicieux de roti d'agneau. Nous sommes ensuite rentres sur Townsville ou nous avons passe 2 autres nuits. Une journee, nous avons loue des velos pour faire le tour de l'ile Magnetic. Il faisait evidemment trop chaud, mais nous nous sommes baignes a chaque plages sur notre route (celles equipees de filets a meduses, bien sur).


We landed in Sydney and spent a wonderful day walking the quay and opera house areas. Our backpackers hotel was dirty and not great, but good enough, and that evening we literally stumbled across a small Thai restaurant in our poorer part of Sydey that overflowed onto the sidewalk with full tables and other people sitting around waiting to get in. It turns out the restaurant has been written up in the LA Times. It was a gastronomical delight including duck Thai salad. That was a sweet and spicy revenge for all the droppings we have endured while camping in NZ.

Nous avons passe une journee a Sydney a nous promener sur les quais. Notre hotel n'etait pas des plus propres, mais nous n'y sommes restes qu'une nuit. En nous promenant dans le quartier plus ou moins defavorise, nous sommes tombes par hazard sur un petit restaurant thailandais sympatique. Nous avons regarde les assietes des convives, etudie le menu, et nous sommes promis d'y retourner pour souper. Un serveur nous a demande comment nous les avions trouves, et nous a montre sur le mur l'article du LA Times recommendant un arret gastronomique. En y revenant dans la soiree, c'etait plein a craquer jusque sur le trottoir, et une queue attendait leur tour. Nous avons persevere, et apres 10 minutes a peine, etions servis. Nous avons mange une salade au canard incroyable, et c'etait une douce revenge epicee sur les degats que les canards laissent partout en NZ.

Butterfly House in Thames - Serre de papillons a Thames

Our last tourist location was the Coromandel Peninsula, where Jo started her NZ trip back in 2001. We met with Geoff, Isobel Ness' uncle, who manages the family's holiday park, where we stayed. He made comments about the girls being so quiet. Little does he know! There was a butterfly house right on the property which turned out to be a gem, as we practiced the macro tool on our camera. They were so beautiful and colourful. One landed on my shoulder and tried to hitchhike a ride to the big outside world.

Notre dernier arret touristique en NZ fut sur la peninsule Coromandel, ou Josianne a debute son voyage en 2001. Nous avons rencontre Geoff, l'oncle d'Isobel Ness (amie de Josianne), qui gere un terrain de camping ou nous sommes restes deux jours. Sur la propriete, il y avait une tres jolie serre a papillons ou nous avons passe quelques heures a jouer avec notre appareil de photos. Les papillons etaient magnifiques, et il faut faire attention qu'ils ne profitent pas des visiteurs en se posant sur eux pour sortir de leur prison!

Coromandel Peninsula Hot Water Beach - Plage d'eau chaude sur la peninsule Coromandel

We walked over to the area of Hot Water beach where a crowd of bathing suited tourists and locals were congregated and digging little pools in the sand. Waves would periodically crash in and wash over the pools and the digging would restart. It is hard to believe, but some spots were so hot we danced and yelped out loud. Michele actually burned her foot while trying to escape the hot water.

Nous sommes alles sur la plage d'eau chaude, ou une foule de touristes en maillots de bain creusait des trous a la recherche d'eau chaude. C'etait fascinant. Nous avons profite du labeur des autres et nous sommes trempes les pieds dans leurs piscines. Certaines bouillonnaient et je me suis meme brule un pied en essayant de sortir d'un trou.

Peninsule Coromandel Peninsula

We drove around the peninsula and walked down to the spectacular ocean eroded Cathedral Cove that Jo loved so much.

Nous avons fait le tour de la peninsule, et nous sommes arretes a Cathedral Cove, que Josianne a tant aime lors de son passage.

Thermo pools near Rotorua - Sources thermiques pres de Rotorua

On the road to Rotorua, we stopped at a Maori geyser site in a rural setting. You had to cross the small river before a one hour walk through the thermal vents and geysers (one was active to a height of a meter while we were watching). We wandered through boiling pools surrounded by rainbow streaked rocks and witches brews of bubbling mud. It was more natural than the vents in Rotorua which is a large spa resort town. We walked through a town park with very mystical and eery mist from the thermal vents everywhere, a lot of them right beside the road with everyone driving by the steam.

Sur la route vers Rotorua, nous nous sommes arretes pres de sources thermiques, tres bien situees, dans la campagne verte de NZ. Nous avons marche plus d'une heure parmi les sources de boues multicolores et bouillantes.

November 20, 2005

Toronto Live performance at Lake Taupo - Performance en direct de Toronto au Lac Taupo

This morning we watched and listened to Loic's U of T choir winter concert. The reception was intermittant, but it was fabulous to experience the concert live from Lake Taipo in New Zealand. The choir was incredibly good, and the acoustics of Hart House even we could tell were great. There were no close ups on the choir so we could not pick out Loic, but we thought we saw Irina pass the camera when entering (late afer intermision- could that be possible?).

Ce matin, nous avons regarde et ecoute le concert de Noel de la chorale de l'universite de Toronto avec Loic. C'etait sur le web, en direct. La reception n'etait pas fameuse, mais c'etait excitant de les entendre, de si loin. L'accoustique dans la salle Hart etait excellente. Il n'y avait pas close-up, mais nous avons cru apercevoir Irina arriver en retard apres l'intermission. Serait-ce possible?


The beautiful volcano in the Tongarura, which was clouded when we hiked near it 3 weeks ago. There it is in its splendor, from the other side of the park, on the way to Lake Taupo where we are now.

Le magnifique volcan du parc Tongarura, qui etait sous les nuages lorsque nous avons fait notre marche tout pres, il y a 3 semaines. Le voila maintenant, dans toute sa splendeur, vu de l'autre cote du parc, sur la route vers le Lac Taupo, ou nous sommes maintenant.

Kahui farm - Ferme Kahui

Coming back, we stopped by a farm to take a photo of interesting geological formations, and the owner came out. He was very friendly and invited us in for tea. He was a hobby deer farmer. We spotted the police car parked outside the house. That is his day job. His superman suit was ready for him to hop into on the kitchen floor, as he was on call that Sunday.

A notre retour, nous nous sommes arretes a une ferme pour prendre une photo d'interessante formation geologique, et le fermier est venu a nous. Il etait tres gentil et nous a offert un the. Il y avait une voiture de police dans son entree, son travail de jour. Son habit de superman etait par terre dans la cuisine, pret pour qu'il y saute dedans s'il avait un appel, ce dimanche.

Highest Flying Fox in NZ - Le plus haut "renard volant" au NZ

No, this is not us. We watched as a couple reached speeds of 160 kms/hr from great heights over Rangitikei canyon.

Non, ce couple n'est pas nous. Nous les avons vus atteindre une vitesses de 160 kms/heure au dessus du canyon Rangitikei.

Kaikoura hike - Ballade a Kaikoura

Postcard perfect. Michele hopping over a sheep fence. Mountains on one side, beach on the other. Perfect sky. Wow...

Photo carte postale. Michele "sautant" la cloture. Les montagnes d'un cote, la mer de l'autre. Le ciel parfaitement bleu. Wow...

Hike on the coast of Kaikoura - Marche sur la cote de Kaikoura

A three hour hike along the beach of Kairoura with the tide out and views of hoards of red beaked seagulls (not a new thrill for us) with sea lions lying like turds off on the distant tidal rocks, and then back along the beach cliffs. Very relaxing with warm sunshine, before the drive to Picton where we caught the ferry back to the North Island. This time, on the sunny ferry ride, instead of watching a bolliwood movie we stayed out on deck to appreciate the locally labelled "most beautiful ferry ride in the world". Although beautiful, we beg to differ, the Skagway to Haines is the most scenic we have ever seen.

Une marche de trois heures sur la plage de Kaikoura a maree basse. Colonies de phoques et de goelans (pas si special pour nous) vus a distance. Nous rentrons par la falaise, parmi les moutons, encore une fois. Tres relaxant avant de continuer sur Picton, ou nous avons pris le traversier pour rentrer sur l'ile nord. Cette fois, dans le traversier, il faisait plus beau et nous sommes restes sur la galerie pour admirer ce que les locaux appellent une des plus belle traversees au monde. Nous pensons que celle entre Skagway et Haines la bat, malgre que ce soit tres beau aussi.

Christchurch - rouge sur rouge

More rose gardens in a park walk in Christchurch. There was a historic rose garden, where the roses were beautiful scented. They went to seed earlier then the newer strains and were not as visually dramatic. This could be seen as a metaphor of modern North American society, of our food, houses, and even people... more visually orientated but less balanced and practically appealing to all the senses. The view of the world as seen through retro 60's coloured glasses.

Jardin de rose a Christchurch. Venant du grand nord, nous prenons grand plaisir a marcher dans les jardins fleuris de NZ, et ce n'est pas ca qui manque ici. Celui la est un jardin heritage de roses.
It rained hard on the second afternoon and evening and we sheltered in the kitchen of the Holiday Park (camp ground) and played Scrabble until late, (ten thirty). We returned to the tent to find the strong winds had pulled out the stakes and blown the tent over, the beige fly looking like a turtle stuck on its back kicking with the wind. The floor, now the top, was drenched and the inside bags were humid and wet in spots. We made an instant decision for action, and abandoned ship, and at eleven at night went in search of a motel (for the first time in four weeks of tenting). The owner of the first one answered in a white bathrobe, and we stayed in a medium class (luxurious for us) suite. We were tired and cold, but I took advantage and made a mocha and turned on the tube while Michele tried to sleep. Flipping through the channels, imagine how fate balances out the catastrophes with specks of gold, there was the live end of the World Cup Soccer play down match between Australia and Uruguay played in Sydney. Home and home two game regular play tied at 1-1, overtime still tied, and into shoot outs...Australia wins and goes to the final 24 in Germany next summer for the first time in 32 years. At one in the morning and drinking my third instant coffee, it was very exiting and dramatic as Michele snored beside me in the bed. Those magic romantic moments have different meanings to different people. That's what makes life and relationships so exhilarating!

Il a plu tres fort le 2eme soir a Akaroa, et nous etions a l'abri dans la cuisine, a discutter avec un couple francais, jusqu'a l'heure d'aller au lit. Arrives a la tente, nous l'avons trouvee a l'envers et nos sacs de couchage dedans etaient tout trempes. En plus de la pluie, il avait beaucoup vente. A 11 heures du soir, nous avons pris fait une decision rapide et sommes alles en ville nous chercher un motel. Nous avons pris le premier ou nous avons vu une lueur de lumiere. Le patron est venu a la porte en robe de chambre. Nous etions fatigues, mais Terry a voulu profiter du luxe du cable, et s'est mis a chercher un poste de tele. Il a ete bien recompense. Pendant que je ronflais a ses cotes, il a regarde une partie de soccer classique. Il etait enchante. Quel romantique!

Camping in Akaroa - Camping a Akaroa

Camping in NZ is very organized. Being here off season, we have no problem finding availability. We are not experiencing the wilderness as we would at home, though. This is serious touring, and we need amenities to maximize our time here. Generally, campgrounds have communal kitchens, where we meet folks of all nationalities. Most of them travel in small campervan, very few with tents like us. But we have it down to a science, and we have the tent set and bed made in 7 1/2 minutes. One of us does that while the other one works on dinner, usually a feast of lamb cooked on the barbie, or stir fry or something simple. At night, we watch TV (Despereatly Seeking Sheila, Wife Swap, or other quality imports from the Old country) in the communal lounge, chat with other visitors, but mostly we play scrabble. Terry is getting really good, cheats less and less (we had to buy a scrabble dictionary to settle spelling and meaning disputes) and I love it.

Le camping en NZ est tres organise. Comme nous sommes ici hors saison, nous n'avons aucune difficulte a trouver des sites, ce qui est apparement different en janvier. Voulant maximiser notre experience ici, nous ne vivons pas la pleine nature comme chez nous. Generalement, les terrains que nous occupons ont une cuisine communautaire, ou nous rencontrons toute sorte de monde d'autres nationalites. La plupart voyage en petit campervan par contre, tres peu avec tentes comme nous. Mais nous sommes tres efficaces, et avons tente montee et lit fait en 7 1/2 minutes. Habituellement, un de nous monte la tente pendant que l'autre commence a faire le souper, souvent une experience gastronomique simple: agneau au barbecue, stir fry, etc. Le soir, nous regardons la tele dans le salon communautaire (emissions de tele pas tres intellectuelles importees de GB), discuttons avec d'autres voyageurs, mais le plus souvent, nous jouons au scrabble. Terry, qui n'aimait pas ce jeu, devient tres bon et ne triche presque plus. Surtout apres avoir achete un dictionnaire scrabble pour regler les disputes d'ortographe et de definition! Je suis bien heureuse de recommencer a jouer apres tant d'annee sans.

Akaroa hike - Promenade a Akaroa

We enjoyed strolling around, and did a steep hike up the hill behind with omnipresent sheep as the track runs through paddies. The lambs are two to three months old and still near their moms and sucking on their teats.

Nous avons fait une belle longue marche derriere Akaroa, sur une colline tres raide. Nous devions traverser champs de moutons broutant. Les agneaux sont si petits et nous les voyons teter.