December 05, 2005

Coromandel Peninsula Hot Water Beach - Plage d'eau chaude sur la peninsule Coromandel

We walked over to the area of Hot Water beach where a crowd of bathing suited tourists and locals were congregated and digging little pools in the sand. Waves would periodically crash in and wash over the pools and the digging would restart. It is hard to believe, but some spots were so hot we danced and yelped out loud. Michele actually burned her foot while trying to escape the hot water.

Nous sommes alles sur la plage d'eau chaude, ou une foule de touristes en maillots de bain creusait des trous a la recherche d'eau chaude. C'etait fascinant. Nous avons profite du labeur des autres et nous sommes trempes les pieds dans leurs piscines. Certaines bouillonnaient et je me suis meme brule un pied en essayant de sortir d'un trou.

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