December 19, 2005


Driving through the farms and sheep paddocks inland just before Omeo, we drove through about 40 kilometers of locust swarms. They were absolutely everywhere in the air and on the ground, covering the road. I got out of the car to experience being swarmed. Swarms are not uncommon in Australia and they eat everything in the gardens and fields. They cake the front of the cars and the windshield, and you have to be careful to scrap the bodies off the radiator or they will block the air flow and the car can overheat.

En montant de la cote sud vers Omeo, nous avons traverse un nuage de sauterelles pendant au moins une quarantaine de kms. Ces insectes devorent tout sur leur passage et sont une vraie plaie pour les cultivateurs. Notre devant de voiture etait couvert et il faut bien les nettoyer du radiateur, ou l'echange d'air pourrait etre bloque et cause un surchauffement du moteur.

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