December 19, 2005

South Coast - Cote sud

We redid the South Coast New South Wales that we enjoyed 14 years ago. The sea towns are small and less commercial that the northern ones. The beaches are usually very white and squeeky when you walk on them and the surf often good enough for the surfers. We walked several magnificent beaches and swam in calm coves after our morning jogs. One of the main challenges was finding campgrounds with kitchen facilities. In Huskisson, there was none and Michele started to cook a meal, including warming up soup, on a barbecue, when it started to pour, complete with thunder storm. It dampened the ambiance of the meal, which we managed to eat and enjoy anyway.

Nous avons revisite la cote sud d' Australia comme nous avons fait il y a 14 ans. Les villages cotiers sont moins commerciaux que ceux du nord. Les plages sont tres blanches et le sable fin grince sous les pieds. Le surf est tres bon pour ceux qui pratiquent ce sport. Nous avons marche sur pleusieurs plages magnifiques et avons nage dans quelques anses calmes apres notre jogging du matin. Un defi en Australie est de trouver un camping avec un cuisine. A Huskisson, Michele a commence le souper sur une barbecue quand il s'est mis a pluvoir avec orage. Ca a mouille notre enthousiasme, mais on a eu un bon souper comme meme.

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