December 05, 2005

Wentworth Falls - Chutes Wentworth

The drive back to Orange from Sydney in our rental car was drastically different than we remembered with the newly upgraded highway. We did two hikes in the Blue Mountains (which we loved and visited often in our year in 1992), the Grand Canyon and Wentworth Falls, as we stayed one day in Blackheath. On the Grand Canyon track we got off on a side trail that ended in a narow stream gorge. It got wilder and less traveled, ending in pools of water that we began wading up to our calves. The final attempt at passage ended with our lead scout, Michele, up to her waist in a pool and wetting the bottom of her back pack (and almost my pants) as she got spiders' webs in her hair and could no longer see the bottom of where she waded. I expected her to be wrestling with a six foot long brown snake at any moment. Michele would have the advantage of having four appendages, but the snake was a slippery character with a bad reputation and was playing before a home audience.

Nous avons trouve la route de Sydney a Orange bien changee depuis 14 ans, en mieux. Nous nous sommes arretes dans les montagnes bleues, un de nos endroits preferes ou nous aimions marcher et explorer. Nous y avons fait deux marches cette fois-ci. Dans la premiere, nous avons mesinterprete les panneaux indicateurs, et sans trop detailler, nous (je) nous sommes retrouves dans une gorge jusqu'a la taille dans l'eau avant de decider qu'il valait mieux rebrousser chemin. Sans voir le fond de l'eau, j'avais l'imagination qui courait de serpent a anguille et langoustes...

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