December 05, 2005


We flew Virgin Blue to Townsville in Queensland and hot/hot/hot temperatures. Our last visit was in July 1992, their winter. It was interesting that the airline sells all the food, but also any drinks, coffee, and water. Virgin high altitude dehydration facilitated by Richard Branson. I know he is cute, Carol, but water is also a basic need. We met Graham and Diana Lee, who were on teacher exchange in Whitehorse, in Arlie Beach, and with them we revisited the same section of the Great Barrier Reef we snorkled at 14 years ago. It was equally incredible! The fish were all around us and some would be territorial and swim up to your mask. If you stopped breathing, for a limited time only, you could hear the loud crunching as some species were actually eating the coral. Michele and I saw one ray fish on the coral under us, but no turtles this time. After a few days with the Lees in McKay where we enjoyed a tender and delicious poor little lost lamb dinner prepared by Diane one evening, we headed up to Townsville again for two days before flying back to Sydney.

Townsville impressed us with their city planning and jelly fish netted areas to swim in and a sea water pool all in a very long beach prominade and park area. It was a cool repose from the heat with the sea wind and the shade from the palm trees lining the brick walkways. We rented bikes one day to go around Magnetic island. It was again stifling hot, but the breeze as we downhilled would relieve us from the almost strokes we sufferd going up the hills. We were also able to cool down in every beach we would find (stinger netted, of course)

Le deuxieme jour de notre sejour en Aus, nous nous sommes envoles sur Townsville, ou nous avons loue une voiture pour retourner a Airlie Beach, qui nous avait tant plu en 1992. Nous ne l'aurions pas reconnu. C'etait deja bien commercial il y a 14 ans mais il etait quand meme reste un certain cachet rural. Maintenant, c'est bonde, mais nous avons rencontre nos amis Graham et Diane Lee (qui ont fait un echange de profs a Whitehorse en 1995) et avec eux avons fait une croisiere sur la grande barriere de corail. C'etait fantastique. Le snorkling etait hors de ce monde. Les couleurs du corail et des poissons sont indescriptibles. Terry et moi avons passe au moins 2 heures dans l'eau, emerveilles.

Nous avons ensuite passe 2 jours a Mackay chez G et D, ou il a fait tres tres chaud. Diane nous a prepare un repas delicieux de roti d'agneau. Nous sommes ensuite rentres sur Townsville ou nous avons passe 2 autres nuits. Une journee, nous avons loue des velos pour faire le tour de l'ile Magnetic. Il faisait evidemment trop chaud, mais nous nous sommes baignes a chaque plages sur notre route (celles equipees de filets a meduses, bien sur).

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