December 19, 2005


This is like our bear pictures at home. This monster was a lot bigger when we stopped by him in the car. He ignored us and continued to rip apart and eat a discusting carcass that was totally covered with flies. As he shook his head and pulled on pieces, the flies on the unidentified mess were thrown in all directions. Michele lowered her window to take a picture and instantly retched at the smell. Surprising since she loves blue cheese.

Cette photo est comme nos photos d'ours chez nous. Ce monstre etait beaucoup plus gros que on voit ici. Le goanna nous ignorait pendant qu'il dechirait et mangeait cette carcasse animale completement couverte de mouches. En secouant sa tete pour dechirer les mourceaux, les mouches etaient envoyees en toutes directions. Michele a baisse sa fenetre pour prendre une photo et a eu un haut-le-coeur instantanne avec l'odeur repulsante. Surprennant parcequ'elle adore le fromage bleu.

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