November 20, 2005

It rained hard on the second afternoon and evening and we sheltered in the kitchen of the Holiday Park (camp ground) and played Scrabble until late, (ten thirty). We returned to the tent to find the strong winds had pulled out the stakes and blown the tent over, the beige fly looking like a turtle stuck on its back kicking with the wind. The floor, now the top, was drenched and the inside bags were humid and wet in spots. We made an instant decision for action, and abandoned ship, and at eleven at night went in search of a motel (for the first time in four weeks of tenting). The owner of the first one answered in a white bathrobe, and we stayed in a medium class (luxurious for us) suite. We were tired and cold, but I took advantage and made a mocha and turned on the tube while Michele tried to sleep. Flipping through the channels, imagine how fate balances out the catastrophes with specks of gold, there was the live end of the World Cup Soccer play down match between Australia and Uruguay played in Sydney. Home and home two game regular play tied at 1-1, overtime still tied, and into shoot outs...Australia wins and goes to the final 24 in Germany next summer for the first time in 32 years. At one in the morning and drinking my third instant coffee, it was very exiting and dramatic as Michele snored beside me in the bed. Those magic romantic moments have different meanings to different people. That's what makes life and relationships so exhilarating!

Il a plu tres fort le 2eme soir a Akaroa, et nous etions a l'abri dans la cuisine, a discutter avec un couple francais, jusqu'a l'heure d'aller au lit. Arrives a la tente, nous l'avons trouvee a l'envers et nos sacs de couchage dedans etaient tout trempes. En plus de la pluie, il avait beaucoup vente. A 11 heures du soir, nous avons pris fait une decision rapide et sommes alles en ville nous chercher un motel. Nous avons pris le premier ou nous avons vu une lueur de lumiere. Le patron est venu a la porte en robe de chambre. Nous etions fatigues, mais Terry a voulu profiter du luxe du cable, et s'est mis a chercher un poste de tele. Il a ete bien recompense. Pendant que je ronflais a ses cotes, il a regarde une partie de soccer classique. Il etait enchante. Quel romantique!

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