November 13, 2005

Curio Bay

We stayed at a funky campground where it howled and poured all night. When it rains there, as they say in French, it pissed like a cow. There was a pod of six dolphins in Porpoise Bay for the whole time we were there. We jogged by them in the morning and they were really surfing just in front of us. All six of them caught one wave together and you could see them through the crest of the wave. I walked out to my waist, but the water was too cold to get close to them. Later there was a fellow in a wet suit who floated out past the waves and the curious dolphins came to meters of him. We were watching with fascination these cool teenage dolphins who were surfing, "sweet ass", and a NZ lady came up excited to talk to us. It turns out she has had a weekend cabin on the bay for two years and that was the first time she actually saw the dolphins. She wanted to rush back and get her hubby (but stayed and talked to us for ages). I think rush back has a different meaning in NZ then in hectic downtown Whitehorse. The dolphin experience may have been more special that we first thought.

A Curio Bay, ou nous avons pu profiter de la faune marine, nous sommes restes dans un terrain de camping tres different. Les toilettes et la cuisine etaient de vieilles citernes d'eau de fermes. Les sites pour les tentes etaient proteges du vent par de grandes palmes. Le jeune hote etait content de partager son amour de la plage. Il nous a indique ou aller voir les dauphins et les pinguins, et apres une nuit de pluie raffale et de vent (nous sommes bien restes au sec et au chaud quand meme), nous avons jogue sur la plage et avons admire 6 dauphins de tres pres. Ils faisaient du surf. Nous aurions pu nous baigner avec eux, mais l'eau etait beaucoup trop froide pour nous, canadiens. Un nageur plus brave et aussi equipe d'un costume de plongee est alle vers eux. Si on fait comme si de rien n'etait, les dauphins sont curieux et viennent a nous. C'etait si beau a voir, et si special, on aurait pu y rester des heures.

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