November 13, 2005

From the glaciers to Te Anau - Des Glaciers a Te Anau

After the glaciers we did a scenic hike around Lake Matheson with reflections of the snow capped mountains in the small lake the NZ famous postcard like scenery.

Manaka was a small resort town, but quainter than the larger Queenstown, where we camped and jogged along the long beach. We planned on swimming for the first time here after our jog, but there were so many ducks with their ducklings and dogs in the water we thought of the droppings and changed our mind.

Another stop for a short hike, with a 360 view of the farming and lake up Mt. Irons near Wanaka. It was quite steep and a young iron man (the mountain is named after I am sure) came running to the top, did one stretch and ran back down. Just when we were feeling good about making the walk up non-stop.

Queenstown, the adrenalin capital of NZ, is quite trendy and we did a beautiful walk in the town gardens where we lunched French style. That was the extent of our adrenaline rush adventure! Queenstown was voted the sex capital of NZ in the newspaper, but I guess there is an age restriction on that one. We did finally get a real espresso coffee there, after a few feable attempts. We arrived in town to see paragliders taking off from the large hill backdrop to the city and landing in town somewhere.

Apres les glaciers, nous avons roule jusqu'a Queenstown, nous arretant au lac Wanaka. C'est tres pittoresque situe sur un grand lac, petite ville tres sereine ou nous avons apprecie marcher dans la soiree. Le lendemain matin, nous y avons joggue et avions planifie nous y baigner, mais apres avoir remarque le nombre de chiens et de canards sur la plage, nous avons change d'idee.

Le mont Irons a cote de Wanaka nous a offert une belle longue marche raide. Arrives en haut, tout essoufles, un jeune est arrive en courant, s'est etire un peu et est redescendu en courant.

Queenstown, la capitale adrenaline d'un pays adrenaline, etait aussi tres joli. Nous avons pique nique style francais dans un parc magnifique, d'ou nous pouvions voir les "hand gliders" decoller d'une piste sur la montagne au dessus de nous. Un journal NZ a declare la ville la plus sexy de NZ, mais ils ont surement une restriction d'age! A Queenstown, nous avons aussi enfin pu nous regaler avec notre premier bon cafe depuis notre arrivee en NZ.

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