April 18, 2006

Tesanj, Bosnia

On Saturday morning, we took the bus to Sarajevo, then to Tesanj, where Fatima (the student who lived with us last year) is from. We had to leave Croatia and enter Bosnia twice, which caused 4 passport checks, about two hours all together. The bus ride to Sarajevo itself would have taken 5 hours. After waiting one hour in Sarajevo, we took the other bus, and got to Tesanj 4 hours later. All in all a long day, but Nedim (Tima's brother) and Amira, his girlfriend, were waiting for us at the bus stop. They took us to their house where Tima's parents greeted us very warmly. Amira was the translator all evening, and there was a lot to say!!

Samedi matin, nous avons pris l'autobus pour Sarajevo, puis pour Tesanj, d'ou Fatima (la jeune etudiante qui a habite chez nous l'an dernier) vient. Nous avons du sortir de Croatie et rentrer en Bosnie deux fois, ce qui a cause 4 controles de passeports, deux heures en tout. La duree du voyage meme aurait ete de 5 heures. Apres avoir attendu 1 heure a Sarajevo, nous avons pris l'autre autobus, et sommes arrives a Tesanj 4 heures plus tard. En tout, une longue journee, mais nous etions attendus par Nedin (le frere de Tima) et Amira, sa blonde. Ils nous ont emmenes a la maison ou les parents de Tima nous ont chaleureusement acceuillis. Amira etait la traductrice toute la soiree, et il y en avait beaucoup a dire!

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