April 06, 2006


On March 22, we were joined in Italy by Rob, Maria, Matthew, Sarah, and Mom for two and one half weeks. We had planned this for quite a while as Mom's chance to visit Europe, at 82 years old, along with Matthew and Sarah's first big international trip. Fun for young and old! We choose a good variety of Italian environments from the scenic coastal villages of Cinque Terre, to a very historic and impressive Rome, to the rural vinyards and narrow streets and cathredals of Middle Age cities in Tuscany, to the slippery when wet "roadways" of a touristic, but unique Venice. Mom enjoyed the Italian fashion and waiters. Matt learned to fold his pizza like a local. Sarah fed the pigeons in St-Marco's square, but unfortunately she is now addicted to gelato and can be seen late at night roaming the Italian quarter of Calgary searching for the perfect flavour. Maria learned more than her goal of one Italian word per day and Rob now has one more accent to add to his repetoire of mimickries. Rob received an award from the Italian coffee sellers association in recognition of caffeine levels never before reached in a foreign tourist. It was wonderful for all of us to be together for a five senses look at another culture.

Le 22 mars, nous avons rejoint la famille de Terry a Genes. Nous avons planifié ce voyage depuis longtemps, voulant offrir à Ruth, à 82 ans, la chance de voir l'Europe pour la première fois, ainsi qu'à Matt et Sarah, leur premier voyage international. Nous avons choisi un itinéraire varié, de la cote pittoresque de Cinque Terre, à l'impressionante et historique Rome, aux paysages serains de la Toscanie, les cathédrales et les rues étroites des citées du moyen age, et les "chemins" uniques de la très touristique mais fascinante Venise.

Ruth a aimé admirer la mode italienne, et les garçons de cafés. Matt a appris a plier la pizza comme un local. Sarah a nourri les pigeons à la place St-Marco, mais malheureusement est maintenant addictée a la gelato italienne. Apparement, on peut la voir, le soir, parcourir les quartiers italiens de Calgary à la recherche de la parfaite saveur. Maria a atteint son but d'apprendre un mot par jour, et Rob a maintenant un autre accent à ajouter à son répertoire de mimiqueries. C'était vraiment bien de jouir d'une nouvelle culture les sept ensemble.

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