October 30, 2005

Terry's Corner (Mexico)

Michele has done all the work on the blog so far. It's time for me to make a few comments, too, on LA and Mexico before starting on the wet lands. We really enjoyed visiting Clo and the Baja. It is fun to try our Spanish out in an immersion setting. We sometimes bought water and we drank a lot in the heat. One evening we went to a little grocery store next to our hotel to buy a gallon for the night and morning. It had agua something written on the clear gallon bottle. When we took it up to the counter the cost was $11 American. Wow! We made comments to the clerk that it was expensive, and he told us it wasn’t water, but cheap tequila. Grandpere would have been thrilled to gulp that down when he got thirsty in the night.
We almost got hit hard by a van on the freeway in Tijuana when it entered the highway and crossed four lanes at full speed, coming fast straight on to us. They didn't stop so I slammed on the breaks just in time. A Tijuana experience! After hours of rush hour in LA trying to find the car rental place before going to the airport to fly out, we finally got off the freeway in the dark. Some time was spent driving by strip joints in a bad area as the clock was clicking before lucking out and finding the right spot.

C'est moi, Terry, au clavier. Michèle a fait tout le travail sur le blog jusqu'à maintenant et c'est à mon tour. Nous avons aimé la visite avec Clo et Grand-père au Mexique. On s'est amusés à essayer notre espanol dans un environement d'immersion, mais avec des aventures. Une soir à Baja de Los Angeles, nous avons acheté un gallon d'eau potable pour la nuit et le petit déjeuner. Il y avait le mot agua sur le contenant clair et en plastique. A la caisse, il coutait onze dollars américains. C'était cher! Quand nous nous sommes pleint, le monsieur au contoir nous a expliqué que ce n'etait pas agua, mais un gallon de Tequilla bon marché. Imaginez vous, le bon vocabulaire de Grand-père pendant la nuit quand il prenait un gros verre d'eau.
Nous avons évité un accident grave sur l'autoroute de Tijuana de proche quand un vehicle a coupé quatre voies à toute vitesse et sans un gros frein de ma part il venait directement à notre voiture. It n'est pas croyable qu'il conduisait d'une telle manière!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading of your travels. It was like i was there. I guess getting hit in Tijuana would have put a damper on things. Keep up the good journalling.
Sandy M.