December 19, 2005


A guest descending the gum tree right by our tent in Huskisson. We were woken later the same evening by loud exclamations metres from our tent by two ladies sharing our earlier excitement in viewing the possom. "Look, she is carrying a baby on her back!" Then the voice of a man warning the ladies that he had been bitten on the big toe by the same possom and she had drawn blood. Cabin people don't realize that sound travels through tents, and tiny people are actually trying to hibernate in them. Later in the quiet of the night there were loud screams of the possums and then early morning chatter of the ever present parrots. Trying to sleep!!!!

Notre voisin descendant un eucalyptus pres de notre tente. Nous avons ete reveilles quelques heures plus tard par deux femmes qui s'exclamaient a propos du meme possum qui avait maintenant un bebe sur son dos. Un homme les a averties qu'il venait de se faire mordre l'orteil par le meme mignon animal... Apres les humains, les possoms se sont mis a crier dans la nuit, un espece de gemissement irritant. Et au lever du soleil, les perroquets omnipresents se sont mis a caqueter. On voudrait bien dormir!!!

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