December 19, 2005


Here we are at Terry's cousin Dennis in Bright, enjoying a barbecue dinner. We spent the week-end with his family (his wife Sue, and children Matthew Joanna and Stuart). Together, we toured around their lovely little town, visiting the pretty Wandiligong, Mount Buffallo, and Beechworth (where Ned Kelly was incarcerated before being sentenced to death and executed in Melbourne).

Nous voici chez le cousin de Terry, Dennis, autour de la table a deguster un barbecue avec sa famille (sa femme Sue, et ses enfants Matthew, Joanna et Stuart). Ensemble, nous avons fait quelques randonnes autour de leur jolie ville. Nous avons visite Wandiligong, Mount Buffallo et Beechworth (ou a ete emprisonne Ned Kelly avant d'etre condamne a mort et execute a Melbourne).

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