June 26, 2007

SNAFU canoe trip- En canoe sur SNAFU

Studying the topo map before taking off...
Etudiant la carte topo avant de partir...


Crossing the first beaver dam
Traversant le premier barrage de castors

The second one...
Le deuxieme...

Josianne having a little rest while waiting for the others
Josianne profitant d'un petit repos en attendant les autres

Relaxing, having breakfast at camp on the second morning.
Relaxant autour du feu au dejeuner du deuxieme jour.

Judy and the canoes
Judy et les canoes

Day 2, walking the canoes up river to explore the 3rd lake.
Le 2eme jour, nous avons tire les canoes sur la riviere pour aller explorer le 3eme lac.

Terry preparant le poisson attape la veille au soir par Ricardo
Terry preparing the fish caught the previous night by Ricardo.

Terry putting some finishing touches on Ricardo's fish.
Terry mettant les finitions au poisson de Ricardo.

Bev's gourmet sandwiches on day 3.
Les sandwiches gourmet de Bev.

On day 3, the most energetic went for a mosquito infested hike.
Le 3eme jour, les plus vaillants on fait une marche en terrain infeste de moustiques.

Meanwhile, John was catching up in some reading.
Pendant ce temps, John se rattrapait en lecture.

And I bathed in the canoe.
Et je me baignais dans le canoe.

Markleys were on dinner duty for day 3.
Les Markley etaient de corvee cuisine le 3eme soir.

Tyler, Bev and John enjoying some campfire popcorn the last evening.
Tyler Bev et John degustant du mais souffle sur feu de camp le dernier soir.

The group, just before breaking camp on morning 4
(l to r /d a g:Michele, Terry, Kathy, Judy, Bev, Claudia, Josianne & Tyler Standing/debout: John & Ricardo
Le groupe, avant de decamper le 4eme matin

Leaving camp

Terry and I
Terry et moi

Kathy and Bev with Minto Mountain in background
Kathy et Bev avec Mont Minto en arriere plan

kathy and Bev going over the dam
Kathy et Bev passant sur le barrage de castors.

1 comment:

Irina Mosquera said...

Beautiful pictures, I can't wait to come up. I love Terry's hat in the group picture :-)