August 10, 2007

Arne reunion - Reunion Arne

Douglas Lake Ranch, where the reunion took place/Le Ranch Douglas Lake, ou la reunion a eu lieu
Going for a little hike around our resort/Faisant une marche sur la propriete
An old building on the ranch/Un vieux batiment sur la propriete
The big tent where we ate together/La grande tente ou nous mangions
One table of Arnes/Une tablee de Arne
Our cabins/Les cabanes ou nous logions
Even Roxy the dog enjoyed watching the soccer game/Meme la chienne Roxy regardait la partie de soccer
Alisa and David shooting horseshoes/Alisa et David faisant une partie de fers
The baseball game/La partie de baseball
Melissa at bat/Melissa au baton
The fans/Les spectateurs
The patriarchs, enjoying a laugh together (brother and sister Ruth and Clifford)/Les patriarches, Ruth et son frere Clifford
Gracie, the youngest of the 5th generation/Gracie, la plus jeune de la 5eme generation
The gang/La troupe
Cooking marshmallows around the campfire at night/Rotissant des guimauves sur feu de camp
The Markleys, (half of the Arnes), who stayed one extra night/Nous, les Markleys (qui formaient la moitie des Arne) avons passe une nuit de plus
The evidence of making merry/L'evidence
Terry and crew with Ruth/La famille de Terry avec sa mere Ruth
The scenery on the way back to Vancouver/Le paysage sur le chemin du retour a Vancouver

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